How Human Design Helps Your Marketing Fit the Real YOU
Maybe you’ve heard of Human Design, maybe you haven’t. Long story short, it’s a typing system similar to the Enneagram or Meyers Briggs. It helps you understand just how you are designed to move through life with the most ease. It helps you understand how you were built, from your talents and skills to your quirky little quirks.
It gives you practical strategies for making decisions, communicating with others and interacting with all the day-to-day situations that life brings your way. Including in your business.
Now I’m a super practical person and folks pay me to advise them on how to grow a business that totally fits them. So I research A LOT of ways to do that. For me to recommend any system, I have to see the practical outcomes it can create. These outcomes have to be consistent, on target, and easy to do by almost anyone.
Human Design passes this test.
And believe me, I know this because I’ve been using it for four years myself now and have had dozens of clients use it successfully.
In a world that is overflowing with advice on how to best get visible, my clients and I make decisions easily, with little fuss, that lead us to successful outcomes. We do marketing that fits easefully into our schedule and feels like it comes from our authentic selves.
Now that doesn’t mean that our marketing efforts never feel difficult or like work. Ha, I so wish that were true but it’s not. Since my clients and I are growing our businesses, we are often stepping into new kinds of marketing, taking bigger risks, and learning new skills which can definitely feel like a stretch.
But what I do mean is that my clients and me:
- never question if we made a good decision or not
- watch things unfold in our business without unnecessary pushing
- make decisions easily with little back and forth, or worry
- step confidently toward our dreams feeling in total alignment
- have unexpected opportunities and wins happen often
I’ve seen these happen over and over with so much consistency that I don’t even get awed anymore. Well, maybe a teensy-weensy bit. 🙂 So…even though our marketing can be a stretch or a bit of work, it’s fully supported by a ton of alignment and confidence.
This kind of ease in our business life frees us up to serve more clients, create and deliver great content, and make a bigger difference in the world around us. And we earn decent money to boot. Not too shabby I say.
Your Human Design can tell you how to:
- Take actions in your biz so you maintain energy and ease
- Best interact with others for less awkwardness in connecting with new people
- Make effective decisions that lead to the outcomes you want
- Accept your flaws or weaknesses instead of trying to change who you are
These are all so good, am I right?!?? I have been teaching Human Design to biz owners for a few years now, so I could go on and on and on. So I’ll just stop myself here and say:
Human Design is one of my secret weapons when it comes to being totally yourself in your marketing, your business, and your life.