
Time’s Running Out: Why You Need Small Business Coaching If You’re Spinning Your Wheels

You can’t change the world if you can’t get out of your own way and into the world. Am I right? 

But it happens all of the time.

Talented coaches, healers, influencers and socially-minded entrepreneurs get stuck, spinning their wheels and not making the impact they hoped to. 

And time keeps marching by…it can feel so frustrating!! 

But there’s still plenty of time this year to meet your goals. To create some momentum. To finish up that project that would actually move the needle in getting you out there and making more impact. Can you do it alone or do you need small business coaching?

Why do we get stopped?

We say all kinds of things like it’s life getting in the way or that doesn’t feel right to me anymore or I’m not sure…but these aren’t really helpful in getting us back on track. 

In fact, they can keep us stuck in a victim mindset that life is happening TO you, rather than feeling that you have the ability to shape it in a way that works FOR you. 

I work with dozens of people doing small business coaching every single month. And underneath all the excuses, here are the three most common blocks I see: 


- -> You feel stuck & silent…or you have so many different things that you don't know what to talk about or how to be congruent in putting it out there


- -> You don’t feel clear and when you don't have clarity, it’s hard to take the next step…so you go round & round in “Do I do this? Do I do that?”


- -> You’re a leader in many things but you need someone to hold your hand & give you support in getting visible so that you don’t feel like you have to do everything yourself

How do you get moving forward if one of these is yours? Sometimes you need an outside perspective to discover your own magic. Enter small business coaching. 

You see, knowing where you are stuck can only take you so far. You will stay there unless you actually DO something differently. And if you can’t see WHAT you need to do or HOW you need to do it, you’ll just spin in circles.

Imagining that it’s much harder than it is.

Doubting that you have what it takes.

Wondering what you could have done. 

Don’t get stuck here!! Doubt is a dream killer. And the more you let it in, the bigger it gets. Instead, of circling down the doubt drain…imagine what you WANT to accomplish instead. Imagine what shifts you COULD make if you got into solid action for 30 days.

Since it takes at least 21 days to build a habit, giving it 30 days gives you a solid push toward your goal. But without the burnout or paralysis that can come from slogging it out in a six-month or year-long program. Personally, I perform best in small sprints rather than in long, ongoing processes that seem never-ending.

That’s why I created my Marketing Strategy Intensive which includes 30 full days of unlimited small business coaching support, along with custom-to-you strategy and the step-by-step plans to get you there. So you can narrow your focus to actually getting a crucial piece of business growth or marketing done. Finished. All set.  

Imagine the sense of accomplishment and pride for having figured out your foundational pieces like your ideal client or your brand message. Or finishing that funnel and creating that signature program. Or getting that marketing plan nailed and looking forward to creating your content.

Though it seems like life happens to us, it does and it doesn’t. You still get a choice in how much you accomplish in the year. To get there, I encourage you to step into possibility rather than look at what isn’t working...take 5 minutes and answer these questions:

>> What do you want to celebrate at the end of this year?

>> What will it take for you to get there? 

>> Where are you in your own way?

>> How can you shift that so you are your own advocate?

>> What kind of outside support do you need to get there?

When you take the time to envision your next steps instead of getting lost in the “don’t knows” you’ve been stuck in, you can set off on a new path. And if you don’t want to walk that path alone, consider small business coaching as a way to get you there. 

Linda is a mindset + marketing coach who supports purpose driven entrepreneurs to create small business growth by creating alignment in their business through Human Design and other authentic marketing approaches. Her 20+ year marketing career has included working with Kimpton Hotels, Jamba Juice, and Disney helping her clients win awards and placements in publications like The Wall Street Journal and TIME Magazine, as well as on the front cover of WIRED magazine. She now works with coaches, healers, influencers, rebels & other service based small business owners offering a done-for-you small business marketing package, Human Design course, or brand & marketing coaching.You can visit her at lindabasso.com or join her FB conversation.
