Welcome to my practice,I’m glad you are here!

Please read through the following to understand how coaching works.

If you have any questions or need to contact me for any reason, here’s how:

linda@lindabasso.com or text (510) 381-3094

Coaching Guidelines & Agreement

I have positive expectations for a coaching relationship that helps you to create the business you want to have. To partner together professionally and successfully, I want you to be familiar with the following guidelines and agreements. I invite you to think of coaching as a process. Although we will accomplish much with each session, some business building efforts take longer to create than others. Because it’s an art as much as science, and every business is different, I suggest a 3-month initial commitment to your coaching. After that, you may find that coaching is the perfect way to continue moving your business forward and choose to continue month-by-month.

This document constitutes a contract between us ("Coaching Agreement"). You should read it carefully and raise any questions and concerns that you have before you make payment for your program. Making your first payment constitutes acceptance of these terms. 

My role as your coach:

I agree to serve as your Coach—to partner with you to identify and achieve your personal and/or professional goals. You can create powerful results by having the courage and determination to forward the action in your life.

As your Coach, my job is to help you to take information and marketing that you already have and (1) to make decisions about what you would like to achieve, (2) to develop a personal “action plan” in order to create your marketing, (3) to implement your action plan, and (4) to develop strategies to maintain your marketing moving forward. I will support, encourage, teach, and help you stay “on track” toward your goals.

During the time we spend together in our coaching sessions, I will devote my time, thoughts, and energy to you, exclusively. In between our sessions, I may not be instantly available, but will, however always attempt to be available within 36 hours. As your Coach, I will bring attentive listening, understanding, belief in you and commitment to your success. You can expect me to challenge you, offer fresh perspectives, make requests (including assigning exercises), acknowledge your wins, and guarantee utmost confidentiality (to the fullest extent of the law, and so long as I don't fear for your or another's safety).

Your role as my client:

To be successful requires your commitment as the client to taking responsibility for the process and the outcomes that result. You'll need to be open and honest about your issues and needs, keep agreements and stay committed to your goals. As a client, you will be motivated and committed to taking action on your determined personal and professional goals. You realize that anything less than your intentional full participation may not lead to the success you desire.

You accept full responsibility for yourself and any actions you take that might result from Coaching. You agree that you are healthy enough physically and emotionally to engage in coaching. You understand that coaching results cannot be guaranteed and agree to hold the coach free of all liability and responsibility for any actions or results from adverse situations created as a result of our coaching relationship.

If I ever say or do anything that upsets you or doesn't feel right, please bring it to my attention so that we can resolve it as soon as possible. My objective is to have a coaching relationship that is fully open, honest, real and trusting in our communication styles. We should both realize that communication via telephone or email entails extra challenges, therefore we give each other plenty of latitude, and promptly ask for clarification if there is a miscommunication. If, at any time, you feel that your needs are not being met or you are not getting what you want out of the coaching, please tell me, so we can discuss your experience and adjust your coaching program, as needed.

Nature of Relationship:

You understand that the coaching relationship is not psychotherapy, psychological counseling, or any type of therapy; nor is it a substitute for these services. In the event you feel the need for professional counseling or therapy, it is your responsibility to seek a licensed professional who can provide these services. If I believe that such services would be valuable to you, I will recommend them and may suspend our coaching relationship until services have been initiated and clearance is granted from said professional.

You, the Client, set the agenda for your coaching, and your success will depend on your willingness to define and take risks and try new approaches. You can expect me as your Coach to be honest and direct, asking straightforward questions and using challenging techniques to help you move forward. You are expected to evaluate your own progress, and if the coaching is not working as you wish, you should immediately inform me so we can both take steps to correct the problem. Like any human endeavor, coaching can involve feelings of distress and frustration which accompany the process of change. Coaching does not offer any guarantee of success but it’s my experience that it leads to powerful change.

Payment Procedure:

Payment is required in advance of each series of coaching calls. Our first scheduled call is contingent upon this agreement being signed and the first payment made. You may pay by bank wire transfer or check. Services must be paid in advance, or they cannot be provided. Any changes to this procedure must be mutually agreed upon in writing.

This agreement between the coach and the client will consist of:

(1) 3 hour strategy call to begin our journey

(5) 1-hour business growth calls every other week, starting  two weeks after strategy call

(6) 30 minute accountability calls every other week,  starting the week after strategy call

(12) 30 minute energy clearing calls, scheduled every week

(1) Custom strategic growth plan along with necessary market research to create it

Bonus: up to (2) somatic clearing sessions per month with Linda if needed, 25 mins/each

All sessions must be completed within 4 months of our initial strategy call unless special arrangements are made (this leaves a few weeks of grace for extra busy times, holidays, vacations, etc.) The fee is two payments of $8000, due in December and January. You will be sent a payment wire instructions and are responsible for making the payment through a wire transfer, mailing a check or making other arrangements in writing.

Also, for additional support there can be as many emails as needed between sessions, up to 2 short (5-10 minute) calls with Linda as needed to report emergent successes or problems, and weekly text clearing support from your energy advisor. I'm happy to provide this extra level of service at no additional charge. When you call will often reach my voicemail, as I am frequently busy with calls or with life!

Text is often the fastest way to reach me, as I check it frequently: 510-381-3094


Please remember, session cancellations must be made 24 hours in advance via email, text or through the reschedule link in your session confirmation email. If you do not show up for a scheduled call, for any reason, and provide no notice we will not make up that time and you will be charged. If you do not answer the phone during a scheduled time, we will call again 5 minutes into your session if we are not able to reach you we will leave a message and follow up with an email asking you to initiate next contact.

If you have an emergency or illness, you can reschedule with less than 24 hours notice. If we need to reschedule, we will give you at least 24 hours notice as well, barring an emergency or illness.

Refund Policy:

Your payment may be refunded, less a $250 administration fee, up to one week before your first appointment. After the program has begun, any unused sessions will not be refunded but may be rescheduled as needed within the month contract period. Under special circumstances (major illness or life crisis), sessions could be used in another period of time within 12 months of the first appointment. You need to request this change in writing and we will give every consideration we can to honoring it. In the event that you are unable to use them, you may also gift any of your unused appointments to another person for use within 12 months from your first appointment.

Non-Performance Policy:

Your success depends a great deal upon your willingness to take the agreed upon actions from our coaching calls. Although life events can unexpectedly arise, it's been my experience that these events also often arise in defense to making change. Successful entrepreneurs find ways around their life events to complete needed business growth tasks, non-successful ones find excuses for why they cannot complete these tasks. If a client continually delays or doesn't take agreed upon actions, our coaching efforts will change to address and shift this. If the client continues to not act upon agreed upon goals and actions for their business growth, I reserve the right to end this contract. Because we put the bulk of our hours into your growth in the beginning of your package, the only refunds if you contract is cancelled will be for unused regular (not bonus) sessions at these rates: 1 hour business growth sessions: $225;  30 minute accountability & energy clearing calls: $100.

Confidentiality and Mutual Nondisclosure:

We mutually recognize that we may discuss future plans, business affairs, customer lists, financial information, job information, goals, personal information, and other private information. I will not voluntarily communicate your information to a third party. In order to honor and protect my intellectual property, you likewise agree not to disclose or communicate information about my practice, materials, or methods to any third parties.

As a coach, I protect the confidentiality of communications with my coaching clients. I will only release information about our work to others with your written permission, or if I am required to do so by a court order. There are some situations in which I am legally obligated to breach your confidentiality in order to protect others from harm, including, (1) If I have information that indicates that a child or elderly or disabled person is being abused, I must report that to the appropriate state agency and (2) if a client is an imminent risk to him/herself or makes threats of imminent violence against another person, I am required to take protective actions. These situations rarely occur in coaching practices, but if such a situation does occur, I will make every effort to discuss it with you.

Dispute Resolution:

Any controversy or claim arising out of or in relation to this agreement, or the breach of this agreement, shall be settled by arbitration, which will occur via telephone by a mutually agreed-upon arbitrator. The costs of the arbitration shall be borne by the losing party.

As I am in the process of becoming an ICF credentialed coach I am bound to abide by the ICF Ethical Principles and Code of Ethics, should you want to familiarize yourself with them, they are found here: http://www.coachfederation.org/ethics/.
