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-- Hurry, enrollment ends Monday Sept 20th at midnight --
How to Grow a Business & Life that Makes You Envious of Yourself

Stop being overwhelmed by all the HOW and take that next BIG step in your business...without sacrificing what matters to you most
Go from wondering if you are enough to being sought out for the person that you less than 8 weeks
Any of these sound familiar?
- You know you have something more to offer and are doing a disservice to yourself and the world by keeping it inside of you...but you can be all over the board as far as what direction to take
- You want to increase your reach but you’re doing it all yourself and you don't know what business growth really is going to be best for you or how to keep it in line with your lifestyle
- You want to move forward but feel like you don't have a plan, let your own stories get in your way, or think that you just need more hand holding
- You want to take that next BIG step in your business but you get tripped up feeling really overwhelmed by all the how, the moving pieces, and end up getting caught up in the details and not really seeing a path
Take a breath and let it all go.

The area that has been the most impactful is really focusing on mindset in all the in the myriad of ways that it has been presented. I'm finding myself being more relaxed in the trust and flow. And really not feeling the judgment or worried about "doing it right" or being “on track.” So it's been it's been really, really good.
Karen H.
• Gather the courage to be grow beyond your comfort zone
• Know what to do when it’s you getting in the way
• Overcome mindset issues like overthinking, overwhelm, or doubt about what you want to do
• Understand where you want to invest your time and where don't, so you stay connected to what you enjoy doing and what gives you joy
• Package your content into something that is "worthy" of charging more & gain ease in sharing about it
• Change your business & life in ways that you give you more freedom, time and money
The solution comes from using a different kind of approach
In this course, you’ll master the basics of the Mamapreneur Mindset® Model, gaining the tools you need to harness the power of self-acceptance and start getting exactly what you want from your business and your life. Stop sitting on the sidelines wondering if you’re good enough to make the contribution you want to at work and home. It’s time to embrace who you are and do it your way.
What You'll Get When You Join the Course:

My main struggle for the last few months has been my business model, which was always like running after people trying to work with them. And that is so, so much the opposite of what you told me to do. Before I've just been like scratching my head, wondering what to do aand just feeling very, very stuck. I’ve wanted to let that go which you gave me the inner permission to do. And then just the other day, a woman that I just met recently, asked me to create custom outfits for her. It was like normal and I felt so excited. I mean, that's like one tiny, little opportunity, but it just felt like I was in the right place to now receive it.
Lisa B.
Step more deeply into being yourself so you can increase your reach, earn more than you ever have before...and grow the business & life you’ve always wanted
Class Modules Released Every Week
6 recorded modules to watch at your convenience
Live Coaching Calls Every Wednesday
Weekly coaching sessions from 11am-12:30pm PT (2pm ET) that you can attend live to get your questions answered (or submit your question before & get a recorded answer)
FB Mastermind Group Available Everyday
Get the ongoing support you need to implement the info you've learned
30 Day Risk Free Money Back Guarantee
30 Days

Meet your guide
Hi, I'm Linda Basso. For over 18 years I created brands and campaigns for Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants, Jamba Juice, Disney, and many small businesses. I won a silver ADDY award for my brand work and have helped clients land placements in publications such as The Wall Street Journal, Time, and the front cover of Wired Magazine. Now I support entrepreneurs to grow their business, increase their revenue, and deepen their contribution by guiding them to find their authentic voice & path in their marketing and business. I'm author of the book The Authentic Marketer: The Real Girl’s Guide to Know Your Worth, Get More Clients & Grow a Business that Genuinely Fits Your Lifestyle. I live in Northern California with my husband and children, where we are surrounded by an awesome community. When I'm not working with amazing entrepreneurs, I'm off hiking, camping in our Airstream, or getting cozy with a good book.

feeling like an imposter...that you are maybe not enough as you are and that you have to be more like HER (someone more successful, more polished, or more whatever!!) to take that next BIG step in your biz
how hard it is to hear your real self when focusing on all the noise of experts, gurus, and magic formulas guaranteed to blah, blah, blah...that it's hard to know what you think, where you stand and what you want
what it’s like to wonder if you know enough, are good enough or have what it takes to make a significant impact with your work (while wondering how you are doing at home, too!!)
not knowing what path forward is really is going to be best for you, for your specific offering for your specific circumstance, especially if you have an unusual business
not having the courage to actually get started or feeling that taking that first step is really hard but while you’re waiting, others are zooming by doing what you want to do
It was only when I was finally able to own my genuine, real self and let her lead the way that things started to change

It's like there's nothing out there that I'm aware of that turns marketing on its head, which is really about how we come across and how we manage our lives first, and the marketing kind of takes a backseat to follow. It's a whole new approach from my perspective