
1) OWN IT: get permission to be powerful

Module 2

Module Structure

1.1 How you are designed to market

Your marketing should be informed by your unique design. Your personality, preferences and stage of life matter a lot in the determining what will work—and not work—in your marketing.

1.2 Your Human Design

Marketing is not a one size fits all kind of thing! That's because we are each so uniquely designed. Dive in and learn your unique design so you can make good decisions about how to do your marketing.

1.3 Step outside your comfort zone

Learning and doing new things in our marketing can be downright uncomfortable. Learn why here—and take your first step to stopping it. 

1.4 Quiet Your Mind

Use this simple 5 minute tool anytime you need to take in new information or want to calm down a nervous mind. 

1.5 Identify Your Purpose

Knowing your purpose can help you feel at ease in your own power. Knowing what you are here to do and owning it makes all the difference.
