Want to share your message with ease?
You came here to make a contribution. Whether to your clients, your mission, your organization, or in your community—you're ready. Guess what? I know the world will be better if you make it.
So here’s the deal—help me launch my new book The Reluctant Marketer: Spiritual Tools to Change Your Mind and Grow Your Business and I'll help you launch your own message. Let's make your contribution visible to everyone you’re here to serve. You should share your gifts. Overcome being small & contribute like you mean it.
I’ll pull back the curtain on creating visibility and sharing your message with ease. Not just in my book. But in person, with you, and for no charge. Because doing our own thing can only take us so far. True growth comes from building each other up. So let's do it!
It's a month long launch party & you're invited.
Join my free launch team and I'll share ways to message your business, mission, or non-profit that feel authentic for you. In return, you’ll share about my book, which will teach others to make their own impact. Together, we can make a difference that will ripple out.
There are benefits for joining me. As a launch team member, you’ll receive:
- Access to our private Facebook group where we’ll strategize and share ideas to create powerful visibility for your message, cause, service or product. This is a no hype, no spam group where you’ll get real content to support your own marketing journey. That's 30 days of free support.
- A weekly hour long group session with me during the month of November. This group coaching call will be to answer questions and inspire you in your own marketing. On these group coaching calls, you can ask specific questions about your business, and get expert advice on how to market yourself with ease.
- Insider insights at how my team is doing our book launch. Cool! Use it as tools for your own launch (whether that’s a book, new product or service, a cause, etc.)
- A complimentary ecopy of my new book The Reluctant Marketer: Spiritual Wisdom to Change Your Mind and Grow Your Business
- You’ll be in my special “thank you” blog post that will include a link back to your website or blog (making you more visible!)
- And so much more! I'll give away surprises away during the month, highlight team members, and whatever will serve us all best.
most importantly, we'll have fun with getting more visible!
This is free because I value your input far more than your money on this one. Join me and let’s learn together about what works—and doesn’t—for a launch. I’m sharing my journey so we can both get our message out.
As a member of the launch them, you'll commit to:
- Provide feedback and engage with me or my team via Facebook or email.
- Read the book ASAP upon receiving (by mid Nov at the latest). Don't worry it's not super long, but rather compact and actionable.
- Write a brief and honest book review on Amazon. Seriously, I will only ask for your honest opinion. Like it or don’t, it’s up to you.
- Help spread the word about the book in any way you can, to your existing platform and beyond, during the month of November. I’ll send you support to do this: graphics, messages, etc. that you can use for my launch and yours.
This launch team is for:
- People who are on a mission to make change in the world and need big visibility to do so: purpose driven entrepreneurs & those who market or create messages for nonprofits, churches, schools or community groups.
- Small business owners who are reluctant to market themselves in some area of their business.
- Coaches & consultants whose clients procrastinate on their marketing, or don’t love it when they do get around to it.
- Anyone who hates marketing hype & instead wishes for a world where there was only authentic, easeful marketing.
Please don't join if you want to spam
This launch team is not for anyone who wants to sell or spam others rather than inspire, support and serve each other. There are guidelines for this group that will make sure this is a hype free zone that’s safe for all.
Want in? Here's what you do:
Sound awesome or what? If you want to join, please click on the button by Oct 27th and ask to join the group on the FB group page.
That's it! My team will check you out to be sure that you're a live, caring human. Yep, we're kinda choosy about who we want to spend time with. In 1-2 days, we'll approve your request. Then the magic begins!
The launch team officially runs from Oct 29-Nov 30th.
Time left til launch team entry ends:
If you're curious about the book I'm asking you to help launch, here are details:
Does the hype around marketing irritate you? Do you dread being spammy and salesy to get your business or cause seen and heard? Do you think growing your business means doing things you don’t want to do? It doesn’t have to be this way.
Author Linda Basso shows us an authentic path through the world of self-promotion. She and her clients experience more success when they bring their whole, divine selves to the business of marketing.
The Reluctant Marketer is a guide and toolkit to bring ease and grace to your visibility efforts. It’s full of channeled wisdom, spiritual insights, and practical marketing advice so you can:
- Create and step into the highest vision for your mission or business.
- Move through your marketing activities with confidence and ease.
- Stop seeing marketing as an endless to-do list, and embrace it as a path for being fulfilled.
- Drop any reluctance you may have and replace it with permission to bring your whole self to your visibility efforts.
- Start seeing marketing as a profound act of service to others.
Start gaining spiritual wisdom and growing your business the graceful way today!
i hope you'll join my launch team. together we can expand our reach, our businesses, and our ability to be of service. let's end the year strong by soaring together!