Business growth that fits
I work with mostly women (& a few good men!) to grow a business and life they love

Business growth that fits
I work with mostly women (& a few good men!) to grow a business and life they love
Is your mindset helping your business & parenting?
TAKE THIS TWO MINUTE QUIZ & blow out any blocks you may have
No, you don't need to do ALL the things
Hey mama, I see you! You want to take your next BIG step in your biz, heck maybe in your life, too...but when you start to consider how, it becomes a little less clear. Should you SEO, build your brand, rebrand your brand, make that lead magnet, chase down more clients, create more content, consider ads and/or double down on organic...or wtf??? And don't forget to handle all the pieces at home...dishes to be done, meals to make, lunches to pack...oh, and be there for your partner & kids like always...and don't forget to take some me time...while exercising, entertaining & executing like a boss.
There are just So. Many. Things.
Instead of confidently moving ahead, you get really overwhelmed by all the how, and the moving pieces and end up getting caught up in the details, not really seeing a map or a plan...or you don't even know where to start and find yourself in a waiting game instead...or you dive in but get lost in the rabbit hole of wasting time trying to figure out how this works and watching a million YouTube tutorials and end up feeling pulled out of your zone of genius...are you feeling me?
Listen closely.
Choosing the right path makes all the difference
I believe that it can be different. A whole enchilada pie of different. Imagine feeling so connected with yourself that you not only know what you want but you actually see the path that is right for you to get there. Where you feel a big fat "heck, yes" to what you are doing and easily say "no, thank you" to distractions and pulls on your time. Where you consistently knock down your business goals (and your bucket list) while being the parent you want to be. I know you can do this because I've seen it happen over and over when the right set of variables come into play. I'm not just saying this because I got lucky and have a sweet life and want you to believe that you can do it, too. I'm saying this because there's a tremendous thing that happens to women when they get the permission to do what they need to do in their own way. They unleash all the power they've been tamping down by putting everything and everyone else first. But like anything powerful, it needs to be harnessed and used to get you to your end goals...I call it the Simple Growth path. And it's the only business growth method I've seen that focuses on your authenticity as the means to get you there. Not some magic formula, or surefire system that promises instant results for an amazing price. Just you with you, with so much clarity and capacity that you are unstoppable. With a little free time to spare for the things you love most.
Sabrina B.
This is amazing! I can't believe how much you covered in just one session. I'm seriously blown away. I am so happy with everything you've shared so far and can really see what I need to do and how to do it in my own way. So appreciate this!!!

Hi, I'm Linda!
Author, coach, consultant, graphic designer, brand manager, studio manager, freelancer, solopreneur, mamapreneur, creative entrepreneur...guilty, as charged!! Yep, all titles I've worn on this long, winding path I've traveled in the past 20 plus years of being a small business owner.
And the single biggest thing that I've learned (besides that I'm wholly unemployable so this self employed thing has to keep working, haha!!) is that BEING YOURSELF IS YOUR GREATEST ASSET. When you create self acceptance at a core level, and love all your parts (even the ones you don't necessarily like, haha) then you can have it all on your terms.
Irene S.
Working with you literally changed my life. Everything is different now, I mean everything. Whatever it cost, it was a total deal. I got a lot more than I thought I was getting—branding and marketing, plus dealing with this issue that's been with me my whole life. I wouldn't be here where I am if it wasn't for our work together. Thank you, thank you!